Saturday 28 June 2014

Things were neatly Arranged for My First Grand Failure

From the day my final year classes began to commence, only one thing was running in my mind was about the first job I was to get. I was ambitious not only to get a placement, but to get a great one, and the first one. But how can things happen accordingly, when the life’s mine? As said once by someone about my life, it challenges me every moment. Things never happen properly for my concern. They always get into a maze, I have to solve with all my might and finally that moment I dreamed comes after I lose all my hopes on it. Fortunately, my placement wasn't an exception from my destiny.
I don’t know how a guy with an attitude like me can deal with the situations I faced for the first job in my life. Not just the first employer, but I had to let six companies reject me for my first employer to come in rescue. But the great thing is, each of these six nightmares taught me simple things that proved worthy for my first and best job to come. The happiness at the ending was double, because I was selected in not just one, but in two companies! I should call myself selfish, if I don’t share what I've learnt and so my success story gets narrated hereby.
Like all the placement experiences begin, my placement story begins with a placement training course for the written and further rounds to be cleared. But I was too much ambitious that I wanted everything to be perfect for the first employer to get convinced with my records. As soon as I completed my third year examinations, I was all set to get myself trained and prepared in all the ways. I made many small to medium application projects, made many certifications, learnt many technologies, taught myself everything that can help me get what I want. The result of all these efforts was a two page professional resume of mine stuffed tightly with all the projects, technologies, certifications and everything technical I wanted to show off to him. I was greatly satisfied and so were my trainers and teachers who started to believe that “I can make it”, in place of “I may make it”.
But what to come for me was too much different from what I was dreaming to happen. The placements to happen got delayed and dragged all the days from August to the end of November. The time would have been utilized very well by anyone else, but my mind was too much changing that I have shifted my plans from job to masters; that too in an IIT; too much for a weird guy like me. But I had too much confidence in me that I thought I can make it too simultaneously. I don’t know too much of velocity can kill a human, but too much confidence can sure. That’s what proved true for me.
Somehow I managed to make both the plans getting executed simultaneously, but couldn't sense what was to happen. After too much excitement exhausted and time wasted, the first placement notice was announced finally and the first battle for me was to get a job in TCS. I attended the placement training classes in my college and gave the best I could give in practicing what was taught. In addition, I tried learning from the internet, gathered too much of stuff for the written test and thought I was ready for it. I was almost too much expressive about the excitement I was in for the placement, I was almost daydreaming that one place was already reserved for me and the rest had to fight for the total offered except mine. I was even helping my friends and teachers organizing and registering for the written test, forgetting that I was also one among the ones to take the test.

On the day the written test was to be conducted, my mood was too much weird for me to feel. I was feeling excited and the very next moment getting horrified about what was to happen. The test was announced to be conducted in batches and I couldn't dare myself taking the test in the first batch. I waited with my friends to take the test in the last batch after having a detailed feedback from the people who have given the test before us. After waiting for all the batches to complete till the evening, I had no other option but to get into the last batch, at least. We all went into the lab. The one which felt too much comfortable for me before that moment, was feeling like hallows. With my senses smarting that something was not happening properly, I dared to sit after my classmate, but to all our surprise, we both got the same paper! Same questions soothed me, and I was feeling like heaven now. But still, doubting that something worse could happen, I left no opportunity unused and gave all my might for the exam with a feeling of pride that I’m going to cross this hurdle easily. I boasted to my parents that my friend and I would easily crack the test, but somewhere was a small suspicion and fear that the inverse may happen.
A Week after the test was given, on a fateful evening, I was actively surfing the internet when I noticed a post on my wall; The Results were out! There was an excel workbook, with just three spreadsheets. I was terrified to open the document, as I was already doubtful in my position. Somehow I managed to open the file, and checked all the names that have cracked the test, looking at my classmates name in the list cooled me as I was sure that we both would make it together like every time. But I already knew, things don’t really happen like I imagined being, they never happen. And like the same, my name wasn't there in the list. And so my ambition of getting the first the placement of my college, succumbed to a well deserved death.

Still I didn’t break into tears, or felt frustrated. I used to take even small failures too much to my heart, such was my attitude, but this was really a great defeat for me to cry. Still to everyone’s surprise, I didn't. I still remember how my teacher who was confident than me spoke to me; she was much terrified about how I would react to the results. I was still smiling, because I was still proud and confident of myself, that I can get the best ones if still put a little effort and was having an alternative ready for me. I told myself, now that I have an interview experience; I’m going to make it next time. But it was written something that I would suffer and learn too much and much worse experiences that I had to learn before I won. One thing I learnt from the failure was clear to me: Never be too much confident on your Luck, and never treat the toughness of all the tests alike, because some failures may make you suffer a lot later. But I feel that I have learnt a lot.

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